Gray Ghost Inn Hosted Corvette Club Tour

Corvettes at Gray Ghost InnThe Gray Ghost Inn loves hosting club tours, and this summer, we had the pleasure of serving the members of the Corvette Express Club who made our Inn their base of operations. Over their three day stay, they enjoyed restful sleep, great breakfasts, scenic drives (including the joys of navigating Vermont’s dirt roads), delicious meals at area restaurants, and relaxing evenings in front of the fire with friends and fellow tourists at the Inn.

They wrote up their visit in a recent Corvette Expressions newsletter — check it out. They took lots of great pictures to accompany a full report on the fun they had at the Gray Ghost Inn here in southern Vermont.

Do you have a club or organization that occasionally tours together? Consider booking your next travel excursion at the Gray Ghost Inn, where we know how to make your trip fun and rewarding.

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